If you are a surf camp instructor, or educational/recreational coach or counselor, and you have an individual that would benefit from our free STOKE CAMP services for children, please click here to fill out our referral form.
What services are offered through the Stoke Camp?
4 weekly mentorship sessions (virtual beach)
2x/month one-on-one sessions face to face (weather permitting)
re-integration back into general group settings
What are the teaching concepts?
• Creative solutions towards social emotional physical and academic challenges
• Motivational-skills, learning self-capacity and other-capacity, ocean competency, self-confidence
• Group skills, concepts in learning styles and neurodiversity, cultural diversity, leadership
• If applicable, face-to-face can be for beach or surf sessions.
• Catered to physical, emotional, social needs of student
• Ocean Conservancy and activism through community resources
This is a free service that we provide to supplement your amazing coaching skills with any areas of social, emotional, academic and ocean skills that could be of help to your student(s). We are aiming to work collaboratively to ensure that your student sustains their motivation in their camps, works through their inner challenges, and participates fully in your program with confidence. All are welcome to join our Stoke Camp Program.
How do we communicate with our referred party? We approach them with full care, empathy and support, asking if they would like their child to be a part of our Stoke Camp, and that their coach/teacher/mentor has referred them to our program. We approach our program more as an invitational, inclusive service rather than "counseling" or "therapy" (although we do feel therapy is very cool and needed).
What is the Stoke Camp? It is a Social Iinitiative for children and their caregivers to initiate reaching their creative potential, as we find solutions to navigate hardships. The Stoke Camp is inclusive, and once an individual participates in our program they can continue services, or work towards the Stoke Crew Leadership Team to support their peers. Awe aim to provide Social, Emotional, Relational skills and building blocks that are based on their unique gifts and sharing them. Our priority is to immerse and integrate cultural and social awareness, social justice, and ocean conservancy into sessions and to stimulate their creativity and souls.
How do you become a part of the Stoke Crew Leadership Team? We will provide an application in the upcoming year for individuals to fill out. We also take recommendations from the community to nominate leadership in children.